sábado, 3 de setembro de 2011

A special day for Pedro

After a "Happy Birthday, birthdayboy!" that Pedro responded with a shy smile we went to the beach.

I am still in a wheel chair because a broken foot, so while Pedro run free I stayed with Luís.

I made Pedro a simple birthday cake, he loves the simple things in live, just like me :-)

I think he enjoyed every moment, the birthday song (still in two languages)

and blowing the candle. Wow, he is 8!!!!

For his party, the neighbor came with a puppy and a dog, that was the best party for Pedro.

Since a year ago we have been exposing Pedro to dogs, he was so panic around dogs that this could not go on ... and here we are

the special guest, a dog and his tail, of course!

2 comentários:

  1. Mts parabéns para o Pedro que continua lindo (que olhos!!) e toda a família :) Só fiquei com peninha do cachorro-cavalo kkkkk Tadinho do bichinho rsrs

  2. O sorriso do Pedro durante o parabéns foi especial! Essa festa foi na medida para ele! Excelente, Marie!
