domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2010

So tired after so much fun!

Luís: all about waves

This was a boy who hated taking a bath since he was born. When he was 2 years old he had repulse for any drop of water and took us about a year to get him in a swimming pool. Getting in the sea was an extra work too. It is so amazing to see him so happy playing with the waves and this makes us image him surfing in the future.

sábado, 30 de janeiro de 2010

Pedro lost a tooth!

I know, he is 6 years old and hadn't change any baby teeth, he was playing in the swimming pool and he felt, hit his mouth and his first tooth got loose. I rushed him to the dentist and he suggested to pull out the loose tooth, "not me" I answered to the dentist and Pedro didn't let him touch his mouth. We came back and he was quite quiet just trying to rest, then he decided to eat an apple and couldn't bite it, then he wanted to eat a cracker and had the same problem so he pulled out his own loose tooth.

sexta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2010

quinta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2010

Quase lá!!

Ainda não encontrei uma Malzebier, mas pelo menos hoje tive tempo para uma cervejinha escura!

Estamos em Cananéia, meu pai encontou uma ajudante para mim, uma "moça" da minha idade ;) e ela foi um amor, olhou os meninos e ajudou com a montagemda casa, casa de praia fica de pernas para o ar ... por isso foi super bem vinda a ajuda. Ela ficou encantada com os meninos e o Pedro pareceu estar à vontade com ela. E vamos que vamos .... tentar relaxar estes dias de praia com os meninos.

We came to my parents beach house and my Dad contacted a new helper for me, a young lady (about my age, so let's call her young) and he seemed pretty confortable with the boys. Here we go!!!!

quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2010

Bosque do Morumbi

Este é um dos meus parques favoritos, minha melhor lembrança do que é infância!

I took the kids to my favorite park in the city, just remind my chilwood!

Back to São Paulo

My helper was not really a help at all and we had to leave the beach after a tantrum (from the helper). The boys are misbehaving for sure, they are not easy and they are very stressed, Pedro is quite agressive and out of control and the girl (19 years old) is not prepared to life.
On Monday we head back to São Paulo, it was a holliday in the city and my brother was at home, he helped me unloading the car, prepared lunch, he cleaned the kitchen and played with the kids while I could rest a little.
By 6 P.M. he anouced he had a date and had to go, Luís asked "what is a date?" and I explained that a date is when a boy and a girl go out together and he conclued "like Jack and Jill!!" :)
I could plan a plan B and started moving forward with life.
Luís will start new school on Monday, it is a bilingual school and his class is just in English for now. I think we will be fine, he was so excited about the new school but very shy when we got there.
I contacted a social worker and next week we are going to start Pedro's paper work for special services. The boys really miss having a house and a routine, me too. We are basic camping around and I am tired of packing and unpacking so often.
It is raining a lot in São Paulo, hot anyway, but the rain makes traffic impossible. On Tuesday took me 45 mintes to ride 4 Km!
And here we are, still insisting we can be happy!!
I miss my routine and my talk with Cathy, Heidi and all the people that understand how life is in my Family.

sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2010

Fun under the rain!

Friday was Andre's last day in Brazil. We went to visit my very sweet friend Mariana and her kids.

quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2010

Oferenda a Iemanjá

O Pedro é uma criança linda por dentro e por fora, porém nós temos vários momentos de sufoco ... primeira tarde na praia ele soltou uma "oferenda" ao mar, a nossa sorte foi que a Patricia viu e sinalizou o número 2, assim eu pude levar o Pedro e a "oferenda" para o fundo enquanto ela levava o Luís na direção contrária.

Esse episódio tem rendido boas gargalhadas, porque tem coisas na vida de um autista que é melhor rir e não pensar no assunto.

terça-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2010

O mar é lindo!!

Chegamos!!! Depois de 4 dias em São Paulo com os meninos doentinhos com febre por causa e uma virose (como os meninos são bons de dividir as coisas, dividiram a virose com o avô) nós chegamos na praia.

Os meninos estavam super ansiosos para brincar no mar, ninguém nem sentou na areia e no mar nós ficamos. A Patricia que é uma doce criatura nos ajudou a ter momentos tranquilos na praia e o Pedro está muito feliz com ela.

Os meninos esbaldaram-se e as 7 da noite o Pedro dormiu sentado em frente ao prato do jantar, na sequência o Lú também quis ir para a cama sem jantar. Amanhã promete ser um dia longo com um amanhecer bem cedinho e os meninos a mil, por isso é hora de ir dormir!

The ocean is green!!!

Finally we are at the beach!

We had 4 days in São Paulo managing some flu that started with Pedro, passed to Grampa e ended with Luís, but they all wealthy now.

So, we drove to the beach and here we are.

The boys spent the afternoon IN the water and at 7 p.m. they were in bed.


sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2010

Welcome to São Paulo

We were welcome in a 2 hours traffic in a "so called" hwy that made Luís comment "It is getting on my nerves!"

The trip in the airplane was OK even Pedro could not sleep nor eat (he didn't feel like), we had some whine but that was it.

Yesterday we went to a friend's house and he felt in love for our friend's sister so nice to see. We took the boys to see the new house, not ready yet but almost there. We are all very tired but excited of being here, still feeling like vacations!

Chegamos em São Paulo e encaramos o trâsinto de 2 horas nas Marginais, Luís comentou q o transito estava dando nos nervos dele, mas conseguimos chegar :)

Ontem visitamos a Soninha e conseguimos resolver várias coisas com a imensa ajuda da nossa querida amiga. Ainda tivemos o prazer de ver o Pedro morrer de amores pela Cleide (irmã da Soninha) e o Luís divertir-se com os três cachorrinhos, ele já aprendeu a "lidar" com cachorrinhos, ficou observando até descobrir qual era o mais manso e então foi puxar o rabo :) Esse é o Luís!!

Eu estou muito animada com a nossa mudança e ansiosa para entrar na nossa casinha.

quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2010

Walk of Fame

There we were! It was a raining morning but we had to get out and walk to get the kids tired for the looong flight in the end of the day.

terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2010

Universal Studios, Los Angeles, CA

Nice ... but we really love Disneyland ...

Andre and I had fun in the studios tour going through the special effects, the boys did not enjoy the ride as we did but they behave anyway ... Luis had a blast meeting Scooby Doo and Pedro loves tails, any tail, so Scooby Doo was the greatest for the boys.

Some hard time because this was not a so much fun attraction for the boys and on top of that we are tired, but very happy!

Hooray to Mickey Mouse!!

segunda-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2010

Disneyland CA

It was so much fun!!

While Luis was making poses to pictures Pedro was riding on the fast rides with Dad, Mom is scared even in Dumbo's ride so we all could have the fun we enjoy best.

sexta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2010

Sweet goodbye!

We said goodye to our favorites friends in Wenatchee, but we hope it was a "see you in Brazil!"

We love you all and we really hope our lives meet again in the future.

terça-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2010

Figure life out! by Luís

I just love my lunch time with Luís, we have great conversations, some are reproduction from movies that he has been watching and others come just from his little brain working so hard.

I heard once "Shut up and eat your garbage!"- from Ratatouille, and if you ask him any time "What are you eating?" (he is always munching something) he is delighted to answer "I don't really know!" from the same movie.

Today, at lunch time, after two weeks without school he was taking some conclusions about life:

"Boys and girls go to school, not babies".

"Animals don't go to school either".

"Elephants are lovers" (he has been watching Ice Age 2 - Meltdown)

"My favorite duty is going to school".


domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2010

Leavenworth - Wa

Bye bye cute town!

Cool fast brothers!!!

sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2010

Contagem regressiva ....

Entramos na nossa última semana em Wenatchee e hoje fomos fazer um dos nossos programas favoritos de inverno: "ski bunda".

Lindos floquinhos de neve caiam do céu para alegrar o céu cinzento.

sexta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2010

2010 - Que seja um feliz ano!

Estamos em 2010, um ano que traz muita esperança de que seja muito bom para nossa família. Com certeza será um ano de grandes transformações, com muito trabalho pela frente e um ano em que uma vida nova será construída. Eu vejo o presente como uma grande chance para um recomeço, um ano para construir o futuro que iremos viver nos próximos anos.

Hoje, posso ver pela janela uma paisagem linda, toda branca, inesquecível, que fará parte das boas lembranças desta cidade, que em breve será parte somente do nosso passado mas, que foi extremamente importante para o nosso futuro.

E aqui estamos, contando os dias para a nossa volta ao Brasil, tentando vencer a bagunça e organizar as malas.

Desejo a todos um ano de muitas realizações e que vibrações positivas façam parte do nosso dia-a-dia.