WOW! We completed a week in the house! We are still around boxes and trying to get used to the routine.
So far, Pedro seems very calm at moments, but still having "his moments" of anger. The school goes very well some days and a disaster in other days. I keep trying. One day I was so exhausted and frustrated with his behavior at school that I had a thought of giving up, but a second thought came and I realize if I give up no one in Earh will never believe Pedro can do it.
Slowly Pedro is starting to feel at home but he still struggles with the new noise, smells, light ...all his sensory is very disorganized (me too) and I hope I can restart hlping him on this next week.
Luís is amazing, he is doing what he knows best, he is keeping energy high, happy and intense!
I am still feeling in a survivor mode. At home I just have one of my helpers (I am still looking for the second one). Pedro and her can understand each other most of the time, she already learnt some wods in English like apple, bread and drink. I also found a gluten/casein free bread for Pedro and he loved it, he is eating a loaf a day.
Luís likes the helper too and sometimes he follows her and Pedro working as a translator reapeting in English everything she says in Portuguese to Pedro. If I ask Luís about his Portuguese he answers he can just speak and understand English and Spanish (the second is not true).
I am planning to take pictures around the house when fewer boxes would be around. :)
Maria Schenk
Ecolalia de videos e uso de eletronicos
Há 6 anos