sábado, 6 de fevereiro de 2010

Uma semana atribulada ...

Este foi o começo das nossas vidas no Brasil? Parece que sim e foi uma semana atribulada porém já tomando a forma da futura rotina.

Luís começou "new school" e parece ter se adaptado muito bem. Na segunda foi o primeiro dia e eu fiquei na escola mas ele não precisou de mim :) o resto da semana já ficou por si só e parece ter gostado. Para frequentar a escola dirigimos todos os dias de São Paulo a Jundiaí com trânsito e chuvas e o Luís foi muito paciente, posso dizer adorável nessa travessia diária.

De terça a quinta dediquei as trades em Jundiaí para resolver a vidinha do Pedro. Agora já matriculado na rede pública, conheci a professora e a diretora da sua futura escola que é pequena e parece aconchegante apesar da simplisidade das instalações, a prova dos nove será quando ele começar a frequentá-la e os problemas surgirem :).

Ele já está iniciado pelo processo da APAE para a validação do diagnóstico e então inicio de serviços e/ou apoio a inclusão.

Foi uma semana de realizações que não teriam sido possíveis sem a ajuda de uma grande alma, linda pessoa e maravilhosa amiga: a Soninha.

Na sexta ainda pudemos disfrutar de uma linda tarde com o Pedro em Jundiaí que se divertiu regando a grama, pulando a janela e outras macaquices na casa da Soninha.

Foi lindo ver as expressões do Gabriel a cada macaquice nova do Pedro e receber o carinho da minha querida amiga neste mometo em que só um colinho me ajudou a sobreviver.

Não foi fácil, mas hoje tenho o sentimento de que mais uma etapa foi cumprida, porém ainda estou à espera dos tão sonhados "dias melhores".

What a week!!!!!
Was this the beginning of our life in Brazil? I think so. It was a busy week, quite stressfull but full of realizations.

Luís started his new school, in his classroom the teachers speak in English all the time, this helped him a lot. On Monday I stayed in the school all the time but he didn't need me :), the rest of the week I dropped him off and went to research about Pedro's school. Luís is such a big boy!! To go to school every day we had to drive for about 2 hours in trafic, tropical rain and hways, Luís did so great, so patient, so amazing. By the end of the week he was not bitting his nails anymore and he was very happy for having a routine.

On Tuesday I met with Pedro's new school's principal, a nice lady and a figther for inclusion, just what we need. Wendnesday I had a meeting with a psicologist to guide on Pedro's plan but she thinks she cannot really help us, anyway, we will try. Thursday I had a meeting with Pedro's future teacher, another nice lady, with a lot of experience with typical kids, I explained about Pedro and she didn't feel would be hard, let's see .... let's see when class starts :)

Anyway, I will be his aid in the class until they hire and train someone, this can take a while and I prefer like that.

On Thursday I also started Pedro's process to valid his diagnostic and he will finally had some neurologic exames done. To acelerated the process the social worker decided to enroll his USA diagnostic. After this process he will receive some services in a public institution and keep the regular school. About the quality of services I am not sure but I think he is in a point of his development that keeping his mind busy and away from TV is the most important.

Friday I drove him too to the city we are going to live and after dropping off Luís I stoped by the house, not ready yet because of the tropical rain, and from the outside I could explain Pedro about the new house showing the windows and describing each room. then we stopped by his new school I showed the classroom and he seemed very alert about everything, Pedro saw the bathrooms, one pink and one blue and got in the blue one for a potty, so nice. Then he played in the playground for a while.

So we head to spend the afternoon in a friend's house, she has an autistic boy, 13 years old and even with a hard routine she has been helping me a lot, without her help I couldn't done through this week.

Like always, I am managing life by myself, André is travelling.

I miss my friends in Wenatchee but I don't miss the cold weather :D

2 comentários:

  1. Marie! Mais uma semana que passou e mais uma vez voce conseguiu.:) Eu sei o qto e dificil e algumas coisas eu so imagino, mas ja foi... Eu acredito, torco e espero por dias melhores e eles serao seus. Gosto de pensar em voce sorrindo e daqui eu posso ver seus olhos brilhando.
    Forca amiga querida, forca.

  2. I hope you don't always have to drive 2 hours! I'm glad Luis is liking his school and routine. We miss you too!
