terça-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2010

Figure life out! by Luís

I just love my lunch time with Luís, we have great conversations, some are reproduction from movies that he has been watching and others come just from his little brain working so hard.

I heard once "Shut up and eat your garbage!"- from Ratatouille, and if you ask him any time "What are you eating?" (he is always munching something) he is delighted to answer "I don't really know!" from the same movie.

Today, at lunch time, after two weeks without school he was taking some conclusions about life:

"Boys and girls go to school, not babies".

"Animals don't go to school either".

"Elephants are lovers" (he has been watching Ice Age 2 - Meltdown)

"My favorite duty is going to school".


Um comentário:

  1. Nossa que coincidencia também tenho 36 anos tenho 1 filho autista e o pai de meu filho (meu ex) Tb está tratando de um cancer só que o dele é no intestino! MUita força ! Deus é BELO!
